Today I want to celebrate the extraordinary talent of the music legends by telling you the reason why we call them legends.

From Rock&Roll to Blues, from Classic to Pop I will accompany you in a musical journey where the protagonists are the legends of music that influenced the entire world.


Why they are called legends?

Why they became icons of music?

Why they were capable to influence the people’s mind?

And why they will never die?

Photo by David Preston (David Bowie memorial)

I realized that today new artists become famous and that’s it! I mean they aren’t acclaimed and remembered as the old stars. I think today we lost values so in music as well. Long ago legends were born because they transmitted values, they were the voice of the people. They had a reason to make music, which didn’t involve totally the fame of fame like today. We miss originality, too many imitations.  Many artists don’t understand that behind the money, music can be more powerful than that.

” It’s better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation”  Michael Jackson

I feel that today besides money and fame there are not other reasons why music develops. Before music was an expression of emotions, fears, anger, justice, equity and willingness to go on accompanied by the desire for freedom.

We going to explore what makes the music legends leaders. For Hip Hop, for example, we had Tupac with his activism against inequality, for Pop Michael Jackson and so on. The latter, who led the way of teaching humanity to love one another, to stop racism and prejudice. Lyrics were the voice of protests, they were a good message such as changing the world and helping others and trying to make us face the world and make us aware of the cruelty of the world itself.

I m talking about reasons why we do things, everything we do, we should have a reason why we doing it in order to to make it worth it, to leave an indelible mark.

Days ago I started reading the book “Start with why” by Simon Sinek that my dear friend gave me telling me it could inspire and motivate me. Well, he was right. My thought is inspired by this book. The main question we should ask our self is “why?”. If we answer the question we know why we doing what we do. So. we can be also an inspiration for others and be leaders. Leadership is different, it just manipulates and attracts the audience just for short terms.  A good example of a real leader is Martin Luther King that motivated a nation to change. Dr King started with why.

Those who we still inspired by, who we still remember it’s because they left us a mark with their thoughts, ideology, music, pieces of art that will never die but will last forever.

” If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change” 

Michael Jackson ( Man In The Mirror, 1988)


I will be happy to receive your comments or emails. Tell me which artist is worth it to be remembered or even just suggestions of songs to add to the playlist below. :)This playlist is made with songs that can be for inspiration, songs that inspire us, songs that convey our desire for change and emphasize how wrong the world we live in is. Fame and success do not count but have left their mark and a meaning that is also profound for humanity.



  • leggende perché hanno saputo sfidare i giudizi e pregiudizi dei loro tempi non si sono fermati sono andati oltre, fregandosene della società della mentalità. Sono riusciti a toccare temi importanti come il razzismo, il bullismo, il sessismo, e farlo comprendere,e farlo arrivare al cuore di tutti noi…
    Uno dei miei preferiti Freddie Mercury È rock, sentimentale, pop, usa sa dio quanti suoni diversi e, soprattutto, parla a tutti i cuori del mondo. Ha scelto il nome della band, ha disegnato il logo della band ed è stato in grado di incanalare la sua voce in tonalità da tenore, basso, soprano e frequenze elevate come lui e solo lui in natura. Teatrale, stravagante, un artista incredibilmente affascinante.
    “Non diventerò una stella, diventerò una leggenda! Voglio essere il Rudolf Nureyev del rock n’ roll.” (Freddy Mercury)

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