The incomparable love in music

Pic by Damian Gadal

A bit of history of S.Valentine

Why S Valentine is started? There are different hypothesis and legends about the story of S. Valentine. Going back to 270 CE the Roman pope Gelasio I who decided to celebrate Valentine the same day he was martyred, on the 14 February, concurrently with the pagan festivity Lupercalia. Legend wants that Valentine, consecrated bishop of Terni in 197, only 21 years old, was the only priest who celebrated the wedding between a pagan Christian. He became well known internationally because of his goodness toward young visitors. He used to donate them a flower from his garden. One day he gave a flower to a couple that was arguing. He blessed their love and the news has spread worldwide. Since then, every 14 February started the pilgrimage of young couples for the blessing of their love.

S. Valentine worldwide

All around the world, S. Valentine ‘s day is celebrated in different ways. In England and Oland, lovers exchange tickets but not revealing own identity. Germany holds the most common traditions in which lovers change small gifts and flowers.  Japan and America make a difference. This celebration involves not just the love between the couples, but the love in general. In fact, In Japan girls ( regardless of whether they are friends, family or colleagues) have to give a chocolate to the boys, which they have to return another chocolate the following month, the 14 March. Similarly, in America is celebrated by everyone, all kids exchange gifts with each other, maybe just draw of their favorite cartoon character. (M. Trevisano, 2013)

I really like the way S. Valentine’ s day is celebrated in Japan and America. Love is everywhere, among and toward children, parents, friends, brothers, and sisters. Don’t you call it love? Does it need to commemorate too during the “day of love?” To be honest, I never liked celebrating S. Valentine’s day also because like the other festivities, S. Valentine’s day is just consumerism, even if born for good reasons.

The funny thing is that perhaps there are couples that stick with the tradition on the 14 February, but the next day they might simply disrespect with each other in different ways. Perhaps, they might go to celebrate it with their “lovers” too. I am just saying,  it’s all hypocrisy because legends and traditions want on the 14 February to recall the love we have. This doesn’ t make any sense for me because love should be reminded every day of our life and gifts should be spontaneous, not just because a roman priest told us to do so just on the 14 February.

Love needed to be commemorated every day, with the goodness of gestures, with respect and trust each other.  The contradiction is that maybe the majority of couples fight for 364 days of the year and be cool and romantic the 14 Feb. An advice for all lovers, try to enjoy and respect the person you love 364 days a year and fight just one day!

Love is all, unique and timeless. If we all understand that love is the answer, well, we would live in a better world for sure!

Incomparable love in music

Many artists express their love to own son or parent with the music. Music is still the main channel through which you can express your feelings. If you do not want to say it, music will do it for you.

I dedicate this playlist to real love, the superlative love between a parent and his son.




Picture by Damian Gadal

  • Sono d’accordo quando dici che la tua idea riguardo S.Valentino è simile a quella del Giappone e America…. anch’io penso che si festeggia l’AMORE!
    Si è vero che,come la maggior parte delle feste, c’è molta speculazione e che l’amore si deve dimostrare ogni giorno ma è anche bello,a mio parere, avere un giorno dedicato solamente all’amore….. È un po’come il compleanno dell’AMORE.

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