Wondering why we deserve it?

First of all, Happy International Woman’s Day!!! Yes, we deserve it!!!


During 1980 in the United States, followed by England, were born the ” suffragette” the first female associations that fought for the rights to vote. After World War II circulated fanciful versions of the reason why we commemorate today. It’s not because of the death of a hundred workers in a fabric in New York in 1908, instead, it’s because in the 1977 UN assembly recognized the “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace” worldwide. 

Today I feel to write a couple of lines for us women because we deserve it. This post can sound little feminist, but to be honest… what I write about, is based on reality. We can run away from the truth. Besides our aspect, I think that women have something more that distinguishes us for men. The thing is, women are multitasking, brave, strong, responsible, full of energy, patient, we don’t like violence too. Yes, it’s true women and men complete each other, we don’t have to generalize blah blah blah I know all of that. Even if very rarely we refer these attributes to a man, but the truth is, women had to face and still today difficult endurance for the mental and physical abuses that a man does every day. So, it’s a daily internal struggle that women have.  Today is celebrated by women going out and having fun, but that’s wrong. Because today is more about reflection rather than celebration.

Do you think that in 2019 are we already emancipated? Do you think that women today already achieved equal rights everywhere? Onu prediction affirms that we all reach the same rights and emancipation with men within 2030. Will it be true?

But I am not talking about just the countries that impose even to cover the face of the women or marry more than one. I m talking about what we call “emancipated countries” where apparently women have more freedom, but if we all see what happened behind the walls of the house, we see a totally different reality. Women are beaten, battered, physically and mentally abused by the craziness of a coward man. Nevertheless, we are still caring for our kids, house, husband and still looking awesome and smiling, because we go beyond that. We know that our strength is the root, the pillar of the family.

Regarding you men, don’t feel offended by these words, instead, reflect and try to be at least less selfish and respect the woman next to you.  Tupac says ” Since we came from a woman, I wonder why we take from our woman”. That’s true, you came from a woman, from your mother! And by treating bad a woman you are not respecting even your self. I don’t want to be hypocritical so I have to admit that we also need the strength, protection from a man. All we need is love and respect otherwise if men can’t offer that there is no problem. We would need just one single thing,  just a single sperm to be able to create life. lol !!! Jokes apart, love and respect is the secret of life! Until you don’t get it, you won’t get it!!!

Anything you want to add, please leave me a comment.

Enjoy the playlist that today I dedicate to all women worldwide. A special dedication to my special mum… I love you !!!

  • Chi pensa che le donne siano il sesso debole si sbaglia. Vivere una vita da donna richiede molta più forza e determinazione rispetto a quella di un uomo perché richiede di dover sempre dimostrare di essere all’altezza del proprio compito. Non devi provare a capirle, sarebbe una battaglia persa in partenza. Le devi prendere e basta. Una donna sa essere dolce e tenera, ma questo non vuol dire che non può essere allo stesso tempo anche forte e coraggiosa.
    “Le donne hanno sempre dovuto lottare doppiamente. Hanno sempre dovuto portare due pesi, quello privato e quello sociale. Le donne sono la colonna vertebrale delle società.”
    (Rita Levi-Montalcini)
    Perciò si meritano di essere amate, no tradite, derise, umiliate, violentate, picchiate. Amate le vostre donne che siano moglie, madre, figlia, sorella, nipote, amica….

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